Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Tiny Donation & Wheat Harvest is Soon!

 Here is a tiny quilt that I promised as a donation for a future premature baby out there.
I want to get it done before I see my sister so she can put it with the other quilts that will be donated.
The little red clips work great!

 The wheat is starting to turn and the fields look beautiful!

I just love the look of the bearded wheat!
Harvest should happen soon!
Dean will be getting the combine ready this week so when the moisture is just right in the wheat he will be ready.

We've had some rain this week, but thankfully no terrible storms.
Last year on June 29th, we had 80 mile per hour winds that cause a lot of storm damage
 in our area.

Happy Quilting!

Kay Lynne


  1. Hi Kay! I am so behind my reading!!!! The quilt looks really nice and the wheat...what a beautiful gift from God!!! Enjoy your summer!!!

  2. Kay, we just got back from a driving trip from New Jersey down to Houston, TX. There were a lot of brown cornfields. Your wheat looks lovely.
