Sunday, April 8, 2012

Still Working on the Wallhanging, Spring's Here, & Where There's Smoke There's Dean

I thought that I would have a finished wall hanging to show you this weekend, but spring activities made me too busy to sew.

 I was just about to walk out my back door and noticed a Cardinal and had to take a picture of him.  I bet he didn't realize how close I was. 

 My husband had a little excitement yesterday.  He wanted to burn some wheat stubble to make my job working ground easier.  Things were going well until the wind kicked up and it got out of hand.

 Our neighbor was nice enough to take his cultivator along the edge of the field to contain the fire.

 I wasn't home, but driving up the T road I couldn't see the house for a minute or so.  I thought I was going to have a heart attack, but when I made my left hand turn on our road I knew the house was okay.  It was all white smoke and I knew it was a field fire, but for about a minute I let my imagination run away with me!

 Firemen showed up and the excitement was soon over.
 Dean will be teased for a while and owes the fire department ice cream, but we're both glad to have friends to call on when we have a problem.

Hope you're all having a great day on this very special day of Grace!

Happy Easter & Happy Quilting!

Kay Lynne


  1. Kay, scary!!!!!! I would have had a heart attack too thinking that my house could have been in fire!!!
    I´m glad that was it and you had nothing to worry about.
    The wall hanging is looking good!
    I hope you had a nice Easter!

  2. I enjoyed your blog very much, Sounds like Life is never dull around your home. Glad everything is ok and maybe, must maybe you can get to some serious sewing soon. Love the pic of the cardinal

  3. Kay, I'm finally home from mom's. She was in the hospital for over a week, over Easter Week. How scary that fire must have been! Glad you know friends! lol Great cardinal pic!

    Carol (NJ)
