Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Quilt of Blessings, One Last Goodbye, and Looking Forward

Since the fire at the bakery last week, I have witnessed one blessing after another.  Next month I am going to teach a thread painting class at Sew Nice and to my surprise through word of mouth I received enough donation quilts to fill the trunk of my car for the people left homeless after the fire.  I saved one back to deliver to a very special 92 year old lady named Ruth.  She always came to visit me in the bakery and a wonderful nursing home took her in after the fire.  Ruth was extremely happy to see me and showed me all the things that suddenly appeared in her assisted living apartment.  The outpouring of love is just wonderful.  She will certainly keep warm because she had already received two other quilts.  The quilt above is a lap quilt so it will be perfect for her to use on a chilly evening watching TV.

 I just had to stop uptown for one last goodbye to the place that I worked at for so many years.  There have been many wonderful memories made in the bakery section of this building.  I'm hoping that my boss can reopen the bakery.  If he cannot, I'm still a better person because Steve, coworkers, and customers taught me so much.  There's much anger and grief because of the fire, but I have seen so many blessings that have happened because of the fire.    

So my bakery family is looking forward and not backward.  We will see what the future will hold and I would like to thank you all for your prayers and emails :)

Happy Quilting!

Kay Lynne


  1. Kay, I am catching up with my readings and just found out about the fire. I am so so sorry to read and know about this. I hope they can reopen the place, and you can get your job back. I also hope everybody else is fine and can go back to some sort of normal life soon.

  2. I am very behind in my blog reading, so this is the first I read about the fire. So sorry to hear about this tragedy. It's good that you are looking forward - it's great that you will be teaching a class!

  3. It is so heartwarming to read of the outpouring of love during a time of crisis. The old building looks like it was an amazing structure. I do hope they can salvage it.

  4. Kay I know this has been very difficult for you, but you certainly know how to take a negative and turn it into a positive. Keep you chin up and keep moving forward. Things will turn out for the best Im sure.

  5. Isn't it amazing the love that appears almost out of nowhere after a tragedy? I think it's wonderful and wish it could be like that always. Congrats on the teaching assignment! Continued prayers for your bakery family and hope for a new beginning somewhere.

    Carol (NJ)

    PS Hope you haven't been affected by the tornadoes???

  6. So sorry to hear about the fire. I hope for the best for what's in store for you in the future!

    Glad to hear that you are teaching --- I am sure your students will benefit from your expertise.

  7. Think about you everyday and looking forward to your new journey. Saying prayers for Steve and everyone involved in the fire and hoping all will work out for the bakery. Sending you a big hug:) Sis...Jenny
