Sunday, July 24, 2011

Friday Night Sew-In Results: Thread Painted Cardinal, TQM Binding Tool, & Other Adventures

I finished my cardinal wall hanging just in time to give it away Saturday for a wedding gift.  We have been getting a lot of high heat and humidity this past week so this is my escape from the heat.  I'm happy with the results.  The background quilting is meandering feathers.  There are some other ideas that have been popping into my head that I want to eventually try when I get time!  My experiments will be posted.

For my pattern I used a photo from Vic Murayama.  If you haven't checked out Vic's bird photos, they are amazing!  Vic here's another thank you for use of your picture!  

Below is a binding tool that I have been using from TQM Products.  There is a really nice tutorial on YouTube that explains how to use the tool.  I never thought that I would actually use this tool, but I really like the results of a binding that you can't find a beginning or an end and it's easy.  I do want to point out that you have to watch the video very carefully.  The directions on the tool it's self can be misunderstood.  I give this tool a must have rating :)

The wheat is now history and a second crop is peeking up through the wheat stubble.  This is call double crop beans.  We have had plenty of rain to get them to germinate.  Hopefully, it's not too hot for these baby bean plants to survive.

Most of the crops look good and hopefully we will have a cooler weather next week.

Saturday morning I helped my boss set up this wedding cake that I had iced the day before.  Rushing a wedding cake from one air conditioned place to another is not an easy task, but it all turned out just fine.  The heat sure can be an obstacle when it comes to wedding cakes!

Hope everyone is having a nice summer/winter :)

Happy Quilting!

Kay Lynne


  1. The cardinal looks amazing!! Beautiful wall hanging!
    Now that is a big wedding cake! how many people get to eat out of it???
    Stay cool!!!

  2. Oh wow, your quilting and thread painted cardinal are so beautiful! I can't believe all the detailed feathers and pebbles in between the larger ones. You get a gold star for patience too!

    I like the shimmer your quilting thread provides. What kind do you use?

  3. lovely post KayLynne and your bird is spectacular

  4. Congratulations, Kay, on completing your present in time! Did you feel rushed or did you just plan on a "last-minute" completion? BIG wedding cake! Glad it made it to its final destination in one piece.

    It HAS surely been way too hot for comfort here in NJ too. I'm glad we're getting a "breather" before the heat returns.

    Carol (NJ)

  5. I love cardinals and you have captured his essence so well. The crops look good and the cake you did is a work of art. Love the red trim. I am off the watch the binding video now.

  6. Nice job! My mother used to make cakes as big and I helped a great job!
    Maria Estela
