Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Design Wall and Working on 4-H Sewing Machines

This has been a very busy week.  I finally had some time to put up my design wall in my sewing room.  It is covered Styrofoam that was left over from siding our house this summer.  It's simply covered with batting and nailed up to the wall.  I wasn't sure that fabric would stick on it, but it's working.   

 The rail fence quilt top on my design wall will be given to St. V's hospital for a premature baby.  I have enjoyed making a few small quilts for them through my sister's 4-H quilt program.

I also enjoyed a pleasant day cleaning and oiling 4-H sewing machines.  There have been some really generous people that have donated machines so 4-H kids will all have a machine to borrow for their projects.  What a great way to pass our love of sewing and quilting onto the next generation!

The machines that I worked on were very interesting.  The black Singer above is approximately 60 to 70 years old in my estimation.  She sews perfect stitches and her motor sounds great!  She weighs a ton and will last as long as her motor runs.  All she needs is some new wiring to make her safe for kids to sew on.   Below is a Singer 237 that my sister named Marylin.

Marylin is also a really heavy machine and has all metal parts.  I cleaned all the lint out of her and oiled her.  A few adjustments to the tension and she is now ready to do a 4-H project.  You must think I'm silly for being excited about a sewing machine, but it's a part of our history.  

The reason the machine above is named Marylin is because the 4-H kids started calling the sewing machines by the name of the person that donated the machine.  The kids would never remember the brand name or model number of their favorite machine, but they do remember a person's name.
I think that is pretty neat.

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Happy Quilting

Kay Lynne 


  1. I'd be excited too. Some of those older ones are real gems.

  2. Thanks for all of your help, we appreciate it! My clock looks great in my studio...I put some pictures under the word moment and it looks cool! Thanks!!!!!
