Monday, December 6, 2010

Free Motion Fun: Meandering, Leaves, and Feathers

I spent some time this weekend getting caught-up with the Free Motion Quilt along.  Meandering is a fun way to fill a quilt, but Christina has me thinking outside the box.  Why not cross the lines, add loops, and just have fun!  How about adding stars!  My sister added stars in her meandering.  Great job Jenny :)

Below is another idea from Christina.  It reminds me of water.

 I also practiced leaves. Leaves are a little hard for me because I never can get the shape I'm looking for, but they're still fun to try.  They can also be used as background filler with a little practice.

Here is one of Christina's patterns that I modified just a little bit.  Instead of traveling back on the curls, I trailed back making it look more like ribbon.  The options are endless!

The last but not least is feathers.  I have been practicing feathers for a long time on small projects and just drawing them in my sketch book.  Christina has more ideas on her leaves and feathers post.

Below is my feather.  I haven't tried a border before--it was fun :)
If you want to learn how I do feathers, check out my tutorial on drawing feathers.  Hint on feathers below:  I started with the feather at the bottom.  Yes--I chalked in a curvy line.  The rest I filled in without lines.  To start the next feather I traveled through the stitching to my chalk line.

In this busy time of year please take time to reflect on the important things in life, spend time with family, and don't forget there are others that need our help.  Have a wonderful week!

Happy Quilting
Kay Lynne


  1. Your quilting looks so nice! I need to catch up on the FMQA, but I'm getting some meandering practice on a baby quilt in the meantime. Thanks for the link to your feathers tutorial. I really appreciate the directions on where to begin and which way to go from there. Can't wait to try it sometime!

  2. You did a very good job, Kay!!! Beautiful feathers, I wish I can do something like that.....I will try next time, that is for sure.
    I just read your previous post and had to laugh about your adventure with wires...and still have a solid marriage!!!! Are you still working on that? Take care!

  3. Very AWESOME quilting! I am so jealous:) You are wonderful! Stop over for a give away on my blog sis!
