Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday Night Sew-In Results

There was no sewing going on for my Friday Night Sew-In, but I had fun cutting out I Spy blocks.  Check out the fabric above.  What a fun fabric!!!

I spy dolphins!  I spy a cow!  I spy a pig!
No I'm not crazy, just a child at heart :)

The farm animals were fun to cut.  I tried to cut the squares so there were more than one animal in a block.

Yesterday was an extremely long day at the bakery working on a fall wedding cake.  This cake taught me patience and "no" you can't hurry tiny flowers! 

Thanksgiving is next week!  Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

Happy Quilting!

Kay Lynne


  1. Love the I Spy fabrics! Especially the pizza and cake.

    Looks like your patience paid off. Those tiny flowers really make a beautiful cake. Cute cookies too:)

  2. Great I Spy fabrics. I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!!!!
