Monday, June 7, 2010

More Tips on Binding

Update:  There is a binding tool that you need to see at

The last time I posted on binding there were a few more tips that I wanted to share.

After the binding is all sewn together, I cut off the end of my binding at a 45 degree angle and press the length in half.  I'm not sure whether you can see it in the picture below, but the binding on the left is also pressed under a quarter of an inch so there are no raw edges.  The binding on the right side is trimmed at a 45 degree angle in the opposite direction--make sure you do not trim it too short!  The reason for trimming it at an angle is to avoid extra bulk in your binding. 

The binding is pinned as shown in the picture and stitched.  I personally like hand stitching my binding down with a blind hem.  I always cut my binding on the bias, which is cut at a 45 degree angle on my ruler.  If you are new to quilting, I highly suggest that you borrow or buy a beginners quilt book for reference.  Do you have any more tips on binding--please leave me a comment.

Happy Quilting,

Kay Lynne 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kay!

    I referred to your binding tutorial a few times when I had to bind my quilts, and I have a little question about it. It is probably a matter of experience, but here's what happens:
    after cutting the fabric and pressing it in half all along, I start pin it it along the side of the quilt (starting in the middle). Then I start sewing, but it starts to wrinkle a bit and I always end up having to take the next pin off.That's ok, but then I pull the strip a bit, to avoid wrinkles, but it still happens.

    Is there a trick to avoid that or am I being too perfectionist? =o)

    Thank you!
