All these blocks in this quilt are real barn quilts in Wood County Ohio! My Mom volunteered to make the blocks and made sure that all the colors were exactly as they were painted.
Wood County 4H groups painted the barn quilts.
What a neat way to get people aware of Ohio farms and quilting!
Dean and I went to the park in town for a walk.
The ducks were snacking on crab apples.
The wheat was ready the 4th of July, but it kept on raining.
Last week we had a violent wind storm that caused some damage to our corn. The picture above was what it looked like right after the storm. We were blessed because the corn looks much better now and has straightened up.
We did lose a field of beans that were flooded and are now an ugly brown color.
Dean is going to plant a ground cover as soon as it dries off.
We did get the wheat harvested this week before it rained again.
Harvest wasn't without problems and the combine was in the fix it shop for a day, but the delay was only one day
Our son came to help and we enjoyed every minute he was there.
I know we had some wheat loss because it was way past due to be harvested.
When wheat is too ripe, you can just touch the heads and they will shatter so there is wheat loss on the ground instead of being threshed in the combine.
Every farm year is different, but I wouldn't change a thing :)
Happy Quilting!
Kay Lynne