Hi Everybody!
Do you remember me?
posted for Kay at New Year's time
There have been a lot of things that have happened in my kitty life.
I was born in rural Ohio in a barn.
Dean found and took me home with him this last summer. Dean claimed that he didn't like cats, but he likes me.
It must be my good looks or my great personality!
My future master heard that Dean and Kay had me; he drove to pick me up one weekend.
It has been love ever since.
There have been some strange things that have happened like he changed my name from Zelda to Zeke!
I guess I'm a boy--oh well that doesn't change a thing!
I love my apartment in the city, but I miss my farmhouse in Ohio.
Maybe my master will take me for a visit soon.
I heard my master and Kay on the phone talking so here's my chance to get on the computer.
Kay has been so busy quilting; I am taking the liberty of posting for her!
She has been working on a quilt challenge.
The theme this year is call "Veiled in Mystery".
Kay has been really secretive about this quilt project because she wants to surprise everyone with a special story of her project in late April or early May.
She is also excited to see how all the other quilter's projects will turn out.
I wonder if she is doing a quilt on me!
After all, I am a cat "Veiled in Mystery"!
Happy Quilting!
P.S. Please don't tell Kay that I posted! I've already gotten into too much trouble this week. What's wrong with trying to climb up a banner hanging on a wall or digging up those pesky house plants?